Uganda 2018

Jenneth in Goboro

Jenneth, aged 22, from the village of Kajo-Keji in South Sudan boards a bus with her one-year-old son, Lemy, bound for a permanent settlement deeper into Uganda. They had only recently arrived at the Goboro collection center after crossing the border from South Sudan a few hours ago. This journey represents safety—a respite from the pervasive fear of abuse and violence that plagues their homeland. She recalls the harrowing events that led her here: delivering food to her husband tending cattle in the fields when government soldiers descended upon them, indiscriminately attacking anyone in sight. Despite her husband's pleas of innocence in being a rebel, the soldiers showed no mercy. Jenneth witnessed the brutal murder of her husband before enduring her own horrific ordeal—rape at the hands of two soldiers, while her son, Lemy, lay nearby, mercifully untouched.

According to an UN report on South Sudan from February 2019, UNICEF highlights the following concerning instances of targeted sexual violence: Children, some as young as 7 years old, have been subjected to rape and other forms of sexual violence. Elderly and pregnant women have also fallen victim to sexual assault. The report notes cases of male victims of sexual violence, an issue that remains significantly underreported due to the heightened stigma surrounding it compared to cases involving women and girls. Additionally, there are disturbing reports of rape and murder targeting individuals across different age groups.


The Queens from South Sudan


Building a home