Uganda 2018
A gift from God
Gifti Kope is a seven year old refugee-girl from South Sudan, born without arms and legs, she is a severely disabled child. The family of two parents and three children (the fourth is born in Bidi Bidi) fled from the war in South Sudan to Bidi Bidi north in Uganda. They have been here since September 2016. “It wasn't planned». As the war approached our village and many were slaughtered and shot in our area, we decided to flee, says Mary Pony (25). Her parents hoped that their daughter would receive good health care and a better life across the border. And to live a good life with the family in neighboring country Uganda, without war and uncertainty.
More than a million South Sudanese have fled South Sudan for fear of their lives, crossing the border to neighboring Uganda. The civil war broke out in 2013, and unrest continues despite a recently signed peace agreement. Bidi Bidi has grown into one of the world's largest refugee settlements with over 270,000 residents.